Welfare page of information for members of

Catterick Village JFC

This page contains useful and informative information relating to the welfare & safeguarding of all members of CVJFC.

Please contact the CWO if you require to report any instance of child welfare.

Bob Thornton

Welfare Officer

Mobile: 07736 375608

Child Welfare Officer (CWO)

The CWO ensures the club meets its responsibilities when running activities for children and young people.

The CWO ensures the club personnel understand what their 'duty of care' towards children and young people means and entails on a day to day basis.

A copy of the FA Welfare Officer Code of Conduct can be viewed by clicking HERE

Catterick Village Junior Football Club takes the safeguarding and welfare of everyone at the club seriously. We ask that if you have any concerns, questions or you see or hear anything please contact the Child Welfare Officer by phone or email who will be happy to arrange a convenient time to discuss the issue and take the necessary steps to resolve the matter.

If for any reason you are not comfortable speaking to somebody at the club, please click here to access the Safeguarding pages of the North Riding County FA website.

The following organisations are also contactable for information, guidelines and advice for everyone (including players).

  childnet                     NSPCC                     Childline     

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)

Codes of Conduct containing possible sanctions can be found further down the page for 

Other Useful Links:

Catterick Village JFC fully support the FA's RESPECT programme. Full details are available HERE

Please take a moment to watch this video.

Catterick Village Junior Football Club

Codes of Conduct

Young Players

We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. 

As a player, you have a big part to play. That’s why The FA is asking every player to follow a Respect Code of Conduct.

When playing football, I will:

I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, County FA or The FA:

I may:

In addition:

Spectators & Parents/Carers

We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game.

This club is supporting The FA’s Respect programme to ensure football can be enjoyed in a safe, positive environment. 

Remember children’s football is a time for them to develop their technical, physical, tactical and social skills. Winning isn’t everything.

Play your part and observe The FA’s Respect Code of Conduct for spectators and parents/carers at all times.

I will: 

I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, County FA, league or The FA:

I may be:

In addition:

Coaches, Team Managers & Club Officials

We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. 

In The FA’s survey of 37,000 grassroots participants, behaviour was the biggest concern in the game. This included the abuse of match officials and the unacceptable behaviour of over competitive parents, spectators and coaches on the sideline.

Play your part and observe The Football Association’s Respect Code of Conduct in everything you do.

On and off the field, I will:

When working with players, I will:

I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, County FA, league or The FA:

In addition:

To view all CVJFC documents please visit our Documents page HERE