Details below of a few things upcoming at CVJFC.
Please make a note of the dates for these events.
Tuesday 29th June - All CVJFC Training Cancelled (Now Weds for some groups, check with your coach)
We have made the decision early to cancel all CVJFC training, including Soccer Tots, on Tuesday 29th June. This is due to the England v Germany match that kicks off at 17:00 that day. Please make sure that you don't go to the field for training as there will be nobody there.
Training will switch to Wednesday 30th June for this week only depending on coach availability so please check with your coach!!
Saturday 3rd July - Return your match kits!!
Training now includes Soccer Tots
Now the season has concluded we require all match kits to be returned so the club can see what we have in preparation of the new season. Please bring your match kits back and hand to your coach at training on Saturday 3rd July. All match kits must be returned!
No match kit returned = No medal presented at the Picnic on the Field
Our popular Soccer Tots are now back running on a Saturday morning from 09:00 - 10:00 as part of club training. This is in addition to Tuesday evenings.
Please pass the word on to friends and family who may have youngsters between the ages of 2 & 4 that are interested in playing football. If we ever need to call off any of the Soccer Tots sessions (weather etc.) we will update via the clubs facebook page so please make sure you are following us on facebook.
Saturday 17th July - Picnic at the Field and AGM
We would normally hold a club presentation night, but with no competitive football we haven’t had sufficient game time to justify awards. We are therefore proposing to give every player from Tots to U15’s a medal to commemorate their participation during Covid-19 which we will hand out at a ’Picnic On The Field’ event on Saturday 17th July. The event will replace normal training and will include the club's AGM (your chance to join us!!) where we will quickly roll out our plans for the future, how fees will be collected and how they will be used going forward.
So that the children don’t get bored and to allow you time to attend what we promise will be as brief as possible an AGM, our coaches will entertain them so you can hopefully attend the AGM part in peace. So, subject to the weather (fingers crossed) we ask that you arrive for 11am with your own picnic stuff, blankets, chairs if you want, food and of course drink (Alcohol welcome!!) get set up and let the children go off and train / play football with their coaches. Whilst they do that, we will hold a quick AGM then at 12pm you can tuck into whatever you have brought for lunch before we hand out medals and maybe have some coaches v kids matches like we would on normal presentation night!
Letter to Parents from CVJFC Chair
Here is a recent letter from the Club Chair to all parents/guardians involved in the club. Please take the time to read this (Some bits you will have already read in this news post) and we thank you for your continued support.
Click on the letter image to be taken to the document.