Roses - Ladies

Our Roses Ladies team play in 

Division 1 of the North Riding Women's Football League.

Coach: Adam James

(FA Level 1)

Mobile: 07972 787428

Our Roses Ladies squad is comprised of Females aged 18 and above

Training is on Tuesday Evenings 19:30 - 20:30

Please arrive 5 minutes before the session starts and ensure you have:

Charlotte/Jesse have a WhatsApp group to keep players informed about training and upcoming matches. To be added to the group please contact Charlotte/Jesse.

To register for this Ladies squad, please contact Charlotte or Jesse via the email address below, who will provide the necessary information for you.


Coach: Nigel Bamford (FA Level 1)

Mobile: 07957 195772


Coach: Luke Palliser

Mobile: 07591 995795


Roses Ladies Sponsors

Our Roses Ladies match kits are kindly sponsored by James Wallace Golf and Mil-SMART.

Visit our sponsors page for more about both sponsors