Roses - Ladies
Our Roses Ladies team play inÂ
Our Roses Ladies team play inÂ
Division 1 of the North Riding Women's Football League.
Division 1 of the North Riding Women's Football League.
Our Roses Ladies squad is comprised of Females aged 18 and above
Training is on Tuesday Evenings 19:30 - 20:30
Please arrive 5 minutes before the session starts and ensure you have:
A Drink
Appropriate Clothing for the weather
Charlotte/Jesse have a WhatsApp group to keep players informed about training and upcoming matches. To be added to the group please contact Charlotte/Jesse.
To register for this Ladies squad, please contact Charlotte or Jesse via the email address below, who will provide the necessary information for you.
Roses Ladies Sponsors
Our Roses Ladies match kits are kindly sponsored by James Wallace Golf and Mil-SMART.